Stanley Steemer Services | Air Duct Cleaning, Mold Remediation & More!

4 of the Most Common Places for Mold Growth in Homes

4 Common Places for Mold Growth in Homes

Everyone knows that mold is bad for their homes and their health, but they don’t necessarily know where to look for it. Mold thrives in cool and moisture-rich areas and grows rapidly where there is exposure to water, making this a frequent problem in humid climates that are susceptible to water damage. Not only is mold growth in homes an unsightly and often odorous occurrence, it can also be the cause of many illnesses and health problems if it is not taken care of. Bathrooms, attics and basements are the typical areas of concern when it comes to mold growth in homes; however, below are four common areas in homes that are prime spots for mold growth you may not be aware of.

1. Carpetsmold growth in homes

Your carpets are the “catch-all” for dirt, dust, animal hair and the occasional accidents from our beloved pets. We do our best to ensure stains and debris are removed; however, moisture from concrete or wood flooring can easily make its way into your carpet pad, and eventually your carpet, allowing mold spores to grow. The most effective way to prevent mold from growing in your carpet is to keep it free of dirt and wetness by vacuuming at least once a week and having it thoroughly dried when getting it steam cleaned.


2. Air Conditioning Units

Air conditioners are known for producing condensation which, unfortunately, is the perfect environment for mold to grow. Additionally, your air conditioner pulls in air from outside that is full of pollen and other debris, which encourages mold growth. Air conditioners that are not used often are the most likely to have mold growing in them. To prevent mold growth around your air conditioning unit, it is best to let it run for at least ten minutes per day.

3. Ductwork

Your air ducts allow cool air to flow into your home. This cool air contains high levels of moisture which can cause condensation to build up in your air ducts. When the condensation collects in your air ducts, mold spores can begin to grow. Once mold is in your air ducts, the spores can easily be pushed into your home when your air conditioner is on. One of the best ways to prevent mold growth in homes is to have your ducts professionally cleaned every couple of years.

4. Refrigerators

Refrigerators are similar to air conditioning units in the sense that they produce a lot of condensation from being a cooling mechanism, which allows water to collect in the drip pan located underneath your refrigerator. For many, the drip pan is rarely seen, so it is often forgotten. If food or drinks spill in your refrigerator, they can also collect in your drip pan along with dirt and dust. All of these combined provide optimal conditions for mold growth in homes. To prevent mold from growing around your refrigerator, make a point to clean out your drip pan and the floor underneath your refrigerator at least once a year with warm water and white vinegar.

Prevent Mold Growth in Homes with Stanley Steemer

Preventing mold can be difficult on your own, especially if your home has recently been flooded or is susceptible to other forms of water damage. Fortunately, Stanley Steemer offers many services that can help prevent mold growth in your home. Stanley Steemer offers hot-water extraction carpet cleaning, air duct cleaning, and water damage restoration services, just to name a few, that can keep your home clean and healthy. Contact us today!

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